Search Results

2414 records found. 50 records shown.

Author Year Title Document
Forsyth, A. 2002 Plan de manejo: Concesión para conservación en la cuenca del río Los Amigos, provincias de Manu y Tambopata, Departamento de Madre de Dios
Foster, M. 1987 Los saltarines y sus extraordinarios sistemas sociales de leks
Foster, M. S. 1996 Evolution of lek social systems in manakins: Alternative models and proofs
Foster, M. S. 1998 Dispersal of mimetic seeds of three species of Ormosia (Leguminosae)
Foster, M. S. 2001 Estación Biológica Cocha Cashu: Panorama general
Foster, M. S. 1998 Impact of a rare storm event on an Amazonian forest
Foster, Mercedes S. 1992 Tent roosts of Macconnell's bat (Vampyressa macconnelli)
Foster, R. B. 2001 Some description of the Río Los Amigos, Madre de Dios, Peru
Foster, R. B. 2002 Arboles y arbustos del Centro Río Amigos
Foster, R. B. 1994 The Tambopata-Candamo Reserved Zone of southeastern Peru: A biological assessment
Foster, R. 1994 Río Heath and its vegetation
Foster, R. 1994 Pampas del Heath and their vegetation
Foster, R. 1994 Overview of the landscape and vegetation of the Tambopata-Heath region of Peru
Foster, R. 1994 Río Tambopata: The landscape
Foster, R. 1994 Cerros del Távara
Foster, R. 1994 Vegetation of Cerros del Távara
Foster, R. 1994 Forest vegetation near the ccolpa de guacamayos
Foster, R. 2002 Hábitats y vegetación de las zonas Pampas del Heath, Perú y Alto Madidi, Bolivia y recomendaciones para su conservación y manejo
Foster, R.B. 1987 Plantas del Parque Manu (checklist)
Foster, R.B. 1986 Dispersal and the sequential plant communities in Amazonian Peru floodplain
Foster, R.B. 1990 Long-term change in forest communities of the Rio Manu floodplain
Foster, R.B. 1990 The floristic composition of the Rio Manu floodplain forest
Foster, R.B. 1980 Heterogeneity and disturbance in tropical vegetation
Foster, Robin B. 1986 Plantas de Cocha Cashu, 1984
Foster, Robin B. 1986 Flora de las tierras bajas del Manu, 1983
Foster, S. A. 1986 On the adaptive value of large seeds for tropical moist forest trees: A review and synthesis
Foster, S. A. 1985 The relationship between seed size and establishment conditions in tropical woody plants
Foulks, G. B. 2000 Involving mestizo colonist communities in ecotourism: A case study of the Baltimore community in Amazonian Peru
FPCN 1994 Estrategia para manejar los bosques de la Reserva de la Biósfera del Manu
FPCN 1993 Plan de ordenamiento castañero
Frank, K. 1998 From a simulation model to recommendations for a management plan: The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) in the Manu NP, Peru
Frank, K. 2000 Análisis de un modelo para el manejo del lobo de río en el Parque Nacional del Manu
Franke, Irma J. 2005 Áreas importantes para la conservación de las aves en Perú
Franklin, Tiana Francesca 2007 Diversity and distribution of the Myristicaceae family of plants in terra firme and seasonally flooded forests in Madre de Dios, Peru
Frederickson, M. E. 2009 Conflict over reproduction in an ant-plant symbiosis: Why Allomerus octoarticulatus ants sterilize Cordia nodosa trees
Freese, C. H. 1975 A census of nonhuman primates in Peru: Final report
Freese, C. H. 1977 The status of Callitrichids in Peru
Freese, C. H. 1982 Patterns and determinants of monkey densities in Peru and Bolivia, with notes and distributions
Freese, C. H. 1976 The conservation status of Peruvian primates
Frias A., V. 2004 Flora de la Reserva Nacional Tambopata
Fugger, B. 1981 Some first observations on the ecology and ethology of a group of giant river otters (Pteronura brasiliensis, Gmelin 1788) in the Manu National Park, Peru
Funk, V. 1987 Collection made for the Dept. of Botany, Smithsonian Institution, at Explorer's Inn along Río Tambopata in September and October 1984 and in October 1985 and May 1986
Gómez, Luis D. 2006 Dos Gasteromycetes (Basidiomycotina, Fungi) del Perú
Gade, Daniel W. 1979 Inca and colonial settlement, coca cultivation and endemic disease in the tropical forest
Gadea, Alberto L. 1895 Árbol del damajuato
Galiano, W. 1983 Mamíferos del Parque Nacional del Manu
Galiano, W. 1983 Problemática actual sobre la conservación del Parque Nacional del Manu
Galvez Durand Besnard, J. 1996 Localización de primates en la Zona Reservada Tambopata
Gálvez, C. 1994 Mammal survey/Informe de mamíferos de la evaluación en la Zona Reservada Tambopata Candamo
Galvin, M. 2005 Institutional strengthening of the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve (Madre de Dios River, Peruvian Amazon Basin)