Collection Details

Species: Drymonia urceolata Wiehler

Gesneriaceae Drymonia urceolata Wiehler
J. L. Clark , C. Morocho 5849

Collection Date: 7 January 2001
Determined By: J. L. Clark
Determination Date: 30 November 2000
Institution: US


Country: Ecuador

Region: Morona-Santiago

Subregion: San Miguel de los Cuyes ?

Locality Description: Main trail to San Miguel de los Cuyes via the Cordillera Morire (The "I will die" Ridge). [San Miguel de Cuyes is listed as a city not a canton of Morona-Santiago.]

DD Latitude: -3.2917

DD Longitude: -78.875

Elevation: 2400-3400 m


Habitat Description: Mostly cow pasture with remnant montane forest.

Botanical Data

Plant Notes: Succulent terrestrial herb. Stems quadrangular and winged. Calyx green. Corolla yellow (note: specimens with red corollas were only found below 2000 m). Photographs of this collection are in the Gesneriaceae photo file (US).

Other Data

Project: Neotropical Gesneriaceae